
Item Synthesis
Once you get the Green Trinity ability after Deep Jungle you can activate the green trinity mark in the Accessory Shop - this provides access to the previously locked Synthesis shop. Here you’ll have the ability to turn normal items you’ve collected into rare, useful items. There are five lists of items to synthesize and for all but the first list you’ll need to synthesize a certain number of items from previous lists to unlock the next list. Here are the lists and what you’ll need to make the items:
List 1
Cottage | 2 Bright Shards, 3 Blaze Shards |
Elixir | 2 Blaze Shards, 2 Frost Shards, 2 Thunder Shards, 4 Mythril Shards |
Energy Bangle | 2 Power Shards, 1 Frost Shard |
Power Chain | 2 Spirit Shards, 2 Power Shards |
Guard Earring | 2 Spirit Shards, 1 Thunder Shard |
Dark Ring | 2 Lucid Shards, 1 Bright Shard, 2 Mythril Shards |
List 2 - Unlocks after 4 items synthesized
Mega-Potion | 1 Blaze Gem, 1 Frost Gem, 1 Thunder Gem, 2 Mythril Shards |
AP Up | 3 Spirit Shards, 2 Spirit Gem, 3 Mythril |
Angel Bangle | 3 Spirit Shards, 3 Power Shards, 3 Bright Gem |
Magic Armlet | 3 Blaze Shards, 3 Frost Shards, 3 Thunder Shards, 2 Mythril |
Golem Chain | 3 Power Shards, 1 Power Gem, 1 Lucid Gem |
Master Earring | 3 Lucid Shards, 2 Lucid Gems, 2 Spirit Gem |
List 3 - Unlocks after 10 items synthesized
Mega-Ether | 3 Blaze Gem, 3 Frost Gem, 3 Thunder Gem, 5 Bright Shards, 1 Bright Crystal |
Defense Up | 5 Lucid Shards, 3 Lucid Gem, 1 Lucid Crystal, 1 Mystery Goo |
Gaia Bangle | 5 Power Shards, 3 Power Gems, 1 Bright Crystal |
Rune Armlet | 2 Blaze Gems, 2 Frost Gems, 2 Thunder Gems, 3 Mythril |
Heartguard | 3 Spirit Shards, 3 Power Shards, 1 Power Crystal |
Three Stars | 3 Blaze Shards, 3 Frost Shards, 3 Thunder Shards, 1 Orichalcum, 1 Shiny Crystal |
List 4 - Unlocks after 15 items synthesized
Megalixir | 5 Bright Shards, 3 Bright Gems, 1 Bright Crystal, 1 Shiny Crystal, 2 Gales |
Power Up | 5 Power Shards, 3 Power Gems, 1 Power Crystal, 1 Mystery Goo, 2 Orichalcums |
Titan Chain | 5 Spirit Shards, 3 Spirit Gems, 1 Lucid Crystal |
Atlas Armlet | 2 Shiny Crystals, 1 Mystery Goo, 3 Orichalcums, 1 Gale |
Crystal Crown | 3 Lucid Crystals, 3 Power Crystals, 2 Shiny Crystals, 3 Bright Crystals |
Ribbon | 5 Blaze Gems, 5 Frost Gems, 5 Thunder Gems, 3 Mystery Goo, 3 Gales |
List 5 - Unlocks after 24 items synthesized
Ultima Weapon | 5 Lucid Gems, 5 Power Gems, 5 Thunder Gems, 3 Mystery Goo, 3 Gales |
Now, a lot of items are hard to come by so it's helpful to know which Heartless drop which items. Here's a list of items and the enemies that drop them:
Blaze Gem | Fat Bandit, Bandit |
Blaze Shard | Red Nocturn |
Bright Crystals | Defender |
Bright Gem | Search Ghost |
Bright Shard | Green Requiem |
Frost Gem | Sheltering Zone, Sea Neon |
Frost Shard | Blue Rhapsody |
Gale | Invisible, Angel Star |
Lucid Crystal | Darkball |
Lucid Gem | Wight Knight, Gargoyle |
Lucid Shard | Shadow |
Mystery Goo | White Mushroom, Rare Truffle, Black Fungus |
Mythril | Behemoth, Angel Star |
Mythril Shard | Pot Spider, Behemoth, Barrel Spider |
Orichalcum | Invisible, Behemoth |
Power Crystal | Wyvern |
Power Gem | Pirate, Battleship, Air Pirate |
Power Shard | Powerwild, Bouncywild |
Shiny Crystal | Wizard |
Spirit Gem | Air Soldier |
Spirit Shard | Soldier, Large Body |
Thunder Gem | Screwdriver, Aquatank |
Thunder Shard | Yellow Opera |
Note: Mystery Goo is by far the hardest item to obtain. For help on getting it go to our Mushroom Guide.
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