Two years after Yuna and her guardians banished Sin from Spira, the world has settled into what some call the eternal Calm. In the absence of Yevon’s influence three factions have risen to fight for political power on Spira: New Yevon, the Youth League, and the Machina Faction. In other news, organizations have formed to search the globe for spheres that reveal the history of the world and can be sold for a handsome price.
One group, the Gullwings, has stood out from the rest. Among their numbers are the High Summoner Yuna, Rikku, and the dark loner Paine. Join them as they hunt for spheres and pursue the mystery of a sphere that contains the shadowy image of what might be a lost friend.
PS2 - Japan: March 13, 2003; US: Nov. 18, 2003; Europe: Feb. 20, 2004