Magic |
Support |
Command |
Independent |
Magic Materia allows the character equiped with it to cast spells.
-Barrier halves the damage done by physical attacks to one person.
-MBarrier halves the damage done by magical attacks to one person.
-Reflect can reflect spells back at the caster up to 4 times.
-Wall halves the damage done by either physical or magical attacks to one person.
Level 1: Barrier MP: 16 AP: 5000
Level 2: MBarrier MP: 24 AP: 15000
Level 3: Reflect MP: 30 AP: 30000
Level 4: Wall MP: 58 AP: 45000
Deals non-elemental damage to opponents.
-Comet2 hits 4 times.
Level 1: Comet MP: 70 AP: 12000
Level 2: Comet2 MP: 110 AP: 60000
Uses extreme elemental magic on one opponent.
-Freeze does Ice damage and sometimes causes STOP.
-Break does Earth damage and sometimes causes PETRIFY.
-Tornado does Wind damage and sometimes causes CONFU.
-Flare does Fire damage.
Level 1: Freeze MP: 82 AP: 5000
Level 2: Break MP: 86 AP: 10000
Level 3: Tornado MP: 90 AP: 15000
Level 4: Flare MP:100 AP: 60000
-DeBarrier destroys an enemy's barrier.
-DeSpell eliminates spell effects, such as Haste or Shield.
-Death instantly kills an enemy.
Level 1: DeBarrier MP: 12 AP: 6000
Level 2: DeSpell MP: 20 AP: 10000
Level 3: Death MP: 30 AP: 45000
Deals earth-elemental damage to one opponent. (Doesn't work against flying enemies.)
Level 1: Quake MP: 6 AP: 6000
Level 2: Quake2 MP: 28 AP: 22000
Level 3: Quake3 MP: 68 AP: 40000
Exit ends the battle by letting you run away, or it removes all enemies.
Level 1: Escape MP: 16 AP: 10000
Level 2: Remove MP: 99 AP: 30000
Deals fire-elemental damage to one opponent.
Level 1: Fire MP: 4 AP: 2000
Level 2: Fire2 MP: 22 AP: 18000
Level 3: Fire3 MP: 55 AP: 35000
Completely restores the HP of one ally.
Level 1: N/A AP: 5000
Level 2: Fullcure MP: 99 AP: 100000
Deals gravity-elemental damage to one opponent.
-Demi takes 1/4 off the enemies HP.
-Demi2 takes 1/2 off the enemies HP.
-Demi3 takes 3/4 off the enemies HP.
Level 1: Demi MP: 14 AP: 10000
Level 2: Demi2 MP: 33 AP: 20000
Level 3: Demi3 MP: 48 AP: 40000
Used to heal status effects on one of your party members.
-Poisona heals poison.
-Esuna heals almost any status effect.
-Resist helps you resist status effects.
Level 1: Poisona MP: 3 AP: 1200
Level 2: Esuna MP: 15 AP: 52000
Level 3: Resist MP: 120 AP: 60000
Deals ice-elemental damage to one opponent. (Good against opponent's with fire affinity.)
Level 1: Ice MP: 4 AP: 2000
Level 2: Ice2 MP: 22 AP: 18000
Level 3: Ice3 MP: 55 AP: 35000
Deals lightning-elemental damage to one opponent.
Level 1: Bolt MP: 4 AP: 2000
Level 2: Bolt2 MP: 22 AP: 18000
Level 3: Bolt3 MP: 55 AP: 35000
Master Magic
This materia is every single piece of magic materia in the WHOLE game, in one materia. (Although, it doesn't level up.)
This materia lets you confuse or berserk enemies.
Level 1: Confu MP: 18 AP: 12000
Level 2: Berserk MP: 28 AP: 25000
Deals poison-elemental damage to one opponent.
Level 1: Bio MP: 8 AP: 5000
Level 2: Bio2 MP: 36 AP: 20000
Level 3: Bio3 MP: 80 AP: 35000
Cure spells that heal one of your party members.
-Cure restores certain amount of HP.
-Regen slowly regains HP as the battle goes on.
Level 1: Cure MP: 5 AP: 2500
Level 2: Cure2 MP: 24 AP: 17000
Level 3: Regen MP: 30 AP: 25000
Level 4: Cure3 MP: 64 AP: 40000
Revives one party member.
-Life gives back 1/4 of total HP.
-Life2 gives back all HP.
Level 1: Life MP: 34 AP: 45000
Level 2: Life2 MP: 100 AP: 55000
Causes Sleep and Silence status effects to enemies.
Level 1: Sleepel MP: 8 AP: 10000
Level 2: Silence MP: 24 AP: 20000
Temporarily prevents damage done to one person by spells.
Level 1: N/A AP:10000
Level 2: Shield MP: 180 AP: 100000
Lets you alter time in battle.
Level 1: Haste MP: 18 AP: 8000
Level 2: Slow MP: 20 AP: 20000
Level 3: Stop MP: 34 AP: 42000
Lets you mini or frog enemies.
Level 1: Mini MP: 10 AP: 8000
Level 2: Toad MP: 14 AP: 24000
Deals powerful non-elemental damage to all opponents.
Level 1: N/A AP: 5000
Level 2: Ultima MP: 130 AP: 100000
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Support Materia when connected to other materia can have a variend and helpful influence on how another materia functions.
Added Cut
Lets you make an attack, after using the junctioned materia along with it. (ex: if you've got Ice + Added Cut, you cause Ice damage and attack as well!)
Level 1 AP: 200000
Added Effect
If Added Effect is equipped onto a weapon, this materia sometimes allows you to inflict the status ailment that is the attached materia. (Say if you've got Added Effect + Poison, you'll do a Poison status attack.)
Level 1 AP: 100000
Using the attached materia affects all enemies or all allies, while reducing the effectiveness of the materia to account for the stretching of the spell.
Level 1 AP: 1500
Level 2 AP: 6000
Level 3 AP: 18000
Level 4 AP: 35000
If you're attacked, Counter allows you to retaliate with an attached materia.
Level 1 AP: 40000
Level 2 AP: 80000
Level 3 AP: 120000
Level 4 AP: 200000
With Elemental equipped on a weapon, it makes your attack deal the same amount of damage as the attached materia. (Say if you've lightning + elemental attached to your armor, at level 1, you only take half damage. At level 2, you're given immunity. At level 3, you absorb the element. But if you have lightning + elemental attached to your weapon, you deal Bolt-elemental damage instead of physical damage.)
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 40000
Level 3 AP: 80000
Final Attack
When your character reaches 0 HP, the character will use the attached materia.
Level 1 AP: 20000
Level 2 AP: 40000
Level 3 AP: 80000
Level 4 AP: 160000
HP Absorb
When you use the attached materia, HP will be restored. (The amount of healing HP is 1/10th damage you inflict with the materia attached.)
Level 1 AP: 100000
Magic Counter
When attacked, your character will counter attack with an equipped materia or summon.
Level 1 AP: 40000
Level 2 AP: 80000
Level 3 AP: 160000
Level 4 AP: 300000
MP Absorb
After using this attached materia, some of your MP is restored. (If you have Shiva + MP Absorb and you summon Shiva, some of your MP is replenished.) (If you use Knights of the Round, you'll get more MP back then what you used in the first place!)
Level 1 AP: 100000
MP Turbo
Attached materia costs more MP to use, but it increases the attached materia's power. (Using certain materia, you can cause up to 9999 of damage.)
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 30000
Level 3 AP: 60000
Level 4 AP: 120000
Quadra Magic
This lets you cast the attached materia FOUR times in a row. (This works with all magic and summons, though not with Knights of the Round.)
Level 1 AP: 40000
Level 2 AP: 80000
Level 3 AP: 120000
Level 4 AP: 200000
Sneak Attack
This materia will let you get a chance to kill enemies before they're aware by attacking at the launch of battle.
Level 1 AP: 20000
Level 2 AP: 0000
Level 3 AP: 00000
Level 4 AP: 50000
Steal As Well
After using the materia attached to this, your character will try and steal something from your opponent.
Level 1 AP: 200000
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Command Materia adds new command options to the battle menu in addition to the automatic attack/items commands.
Makes your character perform a "critical hit." (About a 50% chance of missing.)
Level 1: Deathblow AP: 40000
Double Cut
: Lets your character hit an enemy twice in a row.
-4x-Cut lets your character attack any enemy four times in a row.
Level 1: Deathblow AP: 40000
Enemy Skill
This materia allows you to learn certain skills used by your opponents.
Level 1: E.Skill AP: 0
Use this command, and if it works you get to control an enemy. (It sadly, doesn't work on bosses.)
Level 1: Manip. AP: 40000
Master Command
This materia gives you all the commands. (Except the Slash-All, Double Cut, w-Summon, W-Magic, or W-Item.)
Allows you to copy the last battle action that was done by one of your party members. (You can even copy commands like W-Summon. Yup. You can cast the Knights of the Round twice, with no MP taken. Can anyone say super overkill? x_X)
Level 1: Mime AP: 100000
When this piece of materia is used, you attack the enemy for a low amount of damage. If you manage to kill the enemy, it becomes an item.
Level 1: Morph AP: 40000
This materia lets you view your opponents HP/MP, and any and all weaknesses. (Real helpful against bosses.)
Level 1: Sense AP: 40000
This command lets you attack all enemies, all at once.
-Flash instantly kills all enemies (when instand death is effective only).
Level 1: Slash-All AP: 100000
Level 2: Flash AP: 150000
This command attempts to steal items from a chosen opponent.
-Mug deals damage to the enemy and then steals.
Level 1: Steal AP: 40000
Level 2: Mug AP: 50000
This command lets you throw items at the enemy. (The better the item, the more damage that it does.)
-Coin lets you throw gil at the enemy. (It deals 100 damage for every 1000 gil you throw.)
Level 1: Throw AP: 45000
Level 2: Coin AP: 60000
This handy piece of materia lets you use two items in a row. (Comes in handy when 2 of your allies are low on HP.)
Level 1: W-Item AP: 250000
W-Magic lets you cast two magic spells, one after the other. (It's a lot like W-Summon.)
Level 1:W-Magic AP: 250000
This allows you cast two summons in a row. (You could come up with a lotta interesting combos with this one.)
Level 1:W-Summon AP: 250000
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Independent Materia does not need to be connected to any other materia to take effect. It adds abilities or alters character's stats.
Counter Attack
When attacked, your character will attack the enemy that attacked him/her.
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 50000
Level 4 AP: 100000
A character equipped with this materia protects another party member by taking the damage his/herself.
Level 1 AP: 2000
Level 2 AP: 10000
Level 3 AP: 25000
Level 4 AP: 40000
Enemy Away
This decreases your chance of being attacked by an enemy.
Level 1 AP: 8000
Level 2 AP: 50000
Enemy Lure
This increases your chances of getting attacked by an enemy.
Level 1 AP: 8000
Level 2 AP: 50000
EXP. Plus
A character with this materia equipped earns more EXP from battle.
Level 1 AP: 60000
Level 2 AP: 150000
Gil Plus
This increases the amount of gil won from a battle.
Level 1 AP: 80000
Level 2 AP: 150000
HP Plus
This increases the character's max HP.
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 30000
Level 4 AP: 50000
HP <---> MP
Switches a characters max HP and max MP. (So if you have a low HP, you'll have TONS of MP. Use only if you know what you're doing.)
Level 1 AP: 80000
Long Range
Makes a characters weapon have longer range. (So that means if you're in the back row, you'll do the same amount of damage as if you were in the front row.)
Level 1 AP: 80000
Luck Plus
Increases the luck of a character.
Level 1 AP: 15000
Level 2 AP: 30000
Level 3 AP: 60000
Level 4 AP: 100000
Magic Plus
Increases the character's magic ability.
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 30000
Level 4 AP: 50000
Mega All
This allows all characters commands to affect either all enemies or allies.
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 50000
Level 3 AP: 80000
Level 4 AP: 160000
MP Plus
Increases a character's max MP.
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 30000
Level 4 AP: 50000
Increases your parties chances of getting a pre-emptive attack.
Level 1 AP: 8000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 40000
Level 4 AP: 80000
Speed Plus
Increases the speed of a character.
Level 1 AP: 15000
Level 2 AP: 30000
Level 3 AP: 60000
Level 4 AP: 100000
This materia removes the 20 minute time limit when battling Emerald WEAPON.
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Summon materia summons forth various powerful monsters to use a powerful attack on your oponents.
Alexander appears and uses Judgement, causing holy-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 120
Level 1 AP: 25000
Level 2 AP: 65000
Level 3 AP: 100000
Level 4 AP: 150000
Bahamut fires Mega Flare at the opponents for non-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 100
Level 1 AP: 20000
Level 2 AP: 50000
Level 3 AP: 80000
Level 4 AP: 120000
Bahamut ZERO
The "ultimate" version of Bahamut flies down from space and fires Tera Flare, dealing heavy non-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 180
Level 1 AP: 35000
Level 2 AP: 120000
Level 3 AP: 150000
Level 4 AP: 250000
A mog riding on a chocobo crash into the enemies with their Deathblow!! attack. (There is also a chance that you will use Fat Chocobo, where a giant chocobo comes down from the sky to crush all enemies. This materia deals wind-elemental damage and sometimes causes paralysis.)
MP used to summon: 14
Level 1 AP: 2000
Level 2 AP: 14000
Level 3 AP: 25000
Level 4 AP: 35000
Hades uses Black Cauldron on the enemies, dealing non-elemental damage and causing various status effects.
MP used to summon: 150
Level 1 AP: 35000
Level 2 AP: 120000
Level 3 AP: 150000
Level 4 AP: 250000
Ifrit comes out of the ground and uses Hellfire, dealing fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
MP used to summon: 34
Level 1 AP: 5000
Level 2 AP: 20000
Level 3 AP: 35000
Level 4 AP: 60000
Knights of the Round
The 13 Knights of the Round appear and perform various attacks on the enemies. Two physical attacks, then a fire spell, three more physical attacks, then an ice spell, another physical attack, an earth spell, and then finishes with four final deathblows. Damn. Can you say overkill? XD;
MP used to summon: 250
Level 1 AP: 50000
Level 2 AP: 200000
Level 3 AP: 300000
Level 4 AP: 500000
Leviathan uses Tidal Wave on the enemies, dealing water-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 78
Level 1 AP: 18000
Level 2 AP: 38000
Level 3 AP: 70000
Level 4 AP: 100000
Master Summon
This materia is ALL the summons in the game, in one materia. Can you find any better? ... I think not.
Neo Bahamut
Yet another version of Bahamut appears and lets loose a Giga Flare for non-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 140
Level 1 AP: 30000
Level 2 AP: 80000
Level 3 AP: 140000
Level 4 AP: 200000
Odin comes down from the stormy skies with his multi-legged horse and does one of two attacks:
-Steel Bladed Sword Odin slices all enemies, instantly killing them.
-Gunge Lance Odin throws a spear which parts the clouds and comes down to impale a single enemy when it cannot instantly be killed. (Usually a boss.)
MP used to summon: 80
Level 1 AP: 16000
Level 2 AP: 32000
Level 3 AP: 65000
Level 4 AP: 80000
Phoenix appears and uses Phoenix Flame, which deals fire-elemental damage and revives all fallen party members with full HP.
MP used to summon: 180
Level 1 AP: 28000
Level 2 AP: 70000
Level 3 AP: 120000
Level 4 AP: 180000
Ramuh appears atop a mountain and casts Judgement Bolt on all enemies, casting lightning-elemental damage.
MP used to summon: 40
Level 1 AP: 10000
Level 2 AP: 25000
Level 3 AP: 50000
Level 4 AP: 70000
Shiva appears from the sky and uses Diamond Dust, casting ice-elemental damage to all opponents.
MP used to summon: 34
Level 1 AP: 4000
Level 2 AP: 15000
Level 3 AP: 30000
Level 4 AP: 50000
Titan uses his Anger of the Land attack, casting earth-elemental damage to all non-flying opponents.
MP used to summon: 46
Level 1 AP: 15000
Level 2 AP: 30000
Level 3 AP: 60000
Level 4 AP: 80000
Chupon from FFVI appears and uses Disintegration, instantly killing all enemies. (Like Odin, in a different form.)
MP used to summon: 160
Level 1 AP: 35000
Level 2 AP: 120000
Level 3 AP: 150000
Level 4 AP: 250000
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