While walking around in almost any forest you may encounter a young ninja girl. This is Yuffie and in order to enlist her as a playable character you must defeat her in battle. Afterwards you'll be taken to a field and you'll need to talk to Yuffie. Answer her questions with the following replies:
Yuffie: "You spikey headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!"
Cloud: "Not Interested."
Speak to her again
Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me, huh!?"
Cloud: "....petrified."
Yuffie starts to leave
Yuffie: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!"
Cloud: "Wait a second!"
Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?"
Cloud: "....That's right."
Yuffie: "All right! I'll go with you!"
Cloud: "....Let's hurry on."
After this Yuffie will be available as a party member.
Once you have the Tiny Bronco you can get to Yuffie's home town - Wutai. It's located on the northern part of the western continent. By visiting Wutai with Yuffie in your party you'll get a chance to learn about her history.
As you approach Wutai Yuffie will interrupt you and try to stop you but then a Shinra Attack Squad appears and you're forced to fight them. Yuffie's position will be filled by another character in battle. After you defeat the squad Yuffie will have disappeared. And, you'll notice all your materia is gone.
After the battle you'll have to track down Yuffie in Wutai to retrieve your materia.
First go to Lord Godo's house and wake him. Yuffie will show up and argue with her father - Godo. He'll chase her off. Now go to the item shop and get the MP Absorb materia out of the chest. Yuffie shows up to steal it.
Now go to the house near the entrance and examine the folding screen. You'll find Yuffie hiding behind it, but, yet again, she runs away. To end this part of the chase go to Turtle's Paradise and you'll notice a large jar outside it is moving. Hit it a few times until Yuffie pops out.
Once you've cornered her she agrees to take you to her place to give you back your materia. However, when you pull the lever in the room Yuffie leads you to, two of your party will be trapped. Again, Yuffie runs off. Now go to the second Wutai screen and go through the now open gate to the left. Ring the gong to open a secret door. Go through it to reach Yuffie's hideout.
When you get there you find . . . Don Corneo?! And he proceeds to kidnap Yuffie and Elena. He slows you down by unleashing another Attack Squad. Outside in main Wutai you'll meet up with Reno and Rude. They want Elena back and agree not to fight you while the rescue is taking place. Now, head up the mountain. YOu'll find Don Corneo and the girls at the hand below Da-chao's head.

Level: 39, HP: 6000, MP: 300, EXP: 3200, Gil: 20000, AP: 33
This boss can deal a great amount of damage with his regular attack and his Aero3 attack is even worse. If you can, use Barret's Mind Blow limit to drain the boss's MP. Hit it with your other limits and you can also use spell items that allow you to cast high level spells. If you have any items that cause Slow, Darkness, or Stop RAPPS is weak to them. After the battle you'll recieve the Peace Ring.
After another scene Yuffie will be freed and she'll take you to give your materia back, for real this time. However, you'll have to rearrange your materia because she's mixed it up.
Before doing anything else go to the cat house and go upstairs to grab the HP Absorb materia. Now set up Yuffie with your best Materia - especially Enemy Skill if you've kept up with it. Then head to the Pagoda. Here you're going to have Yuffie challenge the 5 masters of the Pagoda. Make sure Yuffie's all healed and her materia's set up and then start the challenge. You will have breaks after each battle.

Level: 30, HP: 3000, MP: 150, EXP: 1500, Gil: 0, AP: 50
Make sure not to use Gravity or Earth attacks on this boss. He'll use Demi attacks a lot so if you can equip Gravity linked with Elemental on your armor that will help a lot. Counterattack is a must here. Big Guard or Barrier are also helpful. Just keep attacking until you win. You'll get an X-Potion.

Level: 32, HP: 4000, MP: 180, EXP: 2200, Gil: 0, AP: 50
Start out by casting your defensive spells. Then use ChocoMog to stop the boss. After that it's just a matter of taking the boss down. You'll get a Turbo Ether.

Level: 34, HP: 5000, MP: 210, EXP: 2900, Gil: 0, AP: 50
Here you'll want to equip a Ribbon or a Jem Ring to prevent Stop. After that this battle's a cinch. You'll get an Ice Ring.

Level: 36, HP: 6000, MP: 240, EXP: 3600, Gil: 0, AP: 50
Staniv just uses physical attacks and one attack that causes Sadness. Get a Barrier up and use Haste to preempt the boss. Keep attacking until you win. You'll get an Elixir.

Level: 36, HP: 6000, MP: 240, EXP: 5000, Gil: 40000, AP: 60
In this battle Godo transforms into a three faced creature that has some devastating attacks. Be prepared for some status attacks as well as some big magic attacks. If you've got Enemy Skill on you'll learn Trine . . . if you survive. Yuffie needs regen, Haste, Big Guard, Counterattacks, and Cure to defeat Godo. Also, Yuffie should be at least level 30 for this battle. For defeating the Pagoda Yuffie gets command of the Pagoda and you get Leviathan Materia. Yuffie also gets All Creation, her ultimate Limit Break.
Da-Chao Mountains
If you've completed the underwater reactor mission you'll have been able to pick up some Leviathan scales. Once you have these you can get the items hidden in Da-Chao's fiery caves. These items include: Oritsuru, Steal as Well Materia, and Dragoon Lance.
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