
100 Level Dungeon
The 100 Level Dungeon is by far the most difficult part of the game and you must complete it to receive 100 percent completion for the Perfect Ending. During Chapter 5 if you visit Bevelle and enter the room to the right in New Yevon headquarters you'll come across the Kinderguardians who have discovered a secret location. Step on the glyph to follow them into the dungeon.
As you move into the center of this first room (Level 0) you'll encounter an old man who tells you a bit about the dungeon and drops Crimson Sphere 6 as he disappears. Now you'll need to take Yuna and the crew through each level of the dungeon. Every floor has a pit or ledge that you can drop off of to reach the next level. Sometimes you'll need to activate pillars or battle tonberries to open up the next level.
At level's 20, 40, 60, 80, and Infinity you will encounter a boss. Like the random encounters the boss fights increase in difficulty the deeper you go. After about level 40 the battles become significantly more difficult. It's a good idea to equip everyone with the Higher Power garment grid, the Mascot dressphere, and accessories like the Crystal Bangle that will increast HP. Along the way you will be forced to fight very tough Elder Drakes that can take out party members in just a few hits. You may also come across Mega-Tonberries. However, no matter the floor layout you can reach level Infinity without fighting a single Mega-Tonberry. You can either navigate around them or leave the cloisters and return to a new floor layout. Floor layouts are random.
Level 20
Aranea | |
HP: 18,280 | MP: 178 |
EXP: 4000 | AP: 1 |
GIL: 800 | Pilfer GIL: 2200 |
STEAL: Turbo Ether, Kinesis Badge* | DROP: Stamina Tonic, Mythril Bangle* |
The Aranea boss is fairly straighforward. If you are level 45 or higher you should have no problems with this boss. Simply attack. He's not weak against any particular magic but he is strong against gravity. He's immune to all status effects except eject.
Level 40
Black Elemental | |
HP: 9,999 | MP: 2380 |
EXP: 770 | AP: 1 |
GIL: 380 | Pilfer GIL: 1000 |
STEAL: Ether, Rune Bracer* | DROP: Mana Tonic, Tetra Gloves* |
The Black Elemental can be an extremely nasty boss if you are unprepared. It uses Ultima then Flare in quick succession which will take out whichever character gets hit with Flare. You'll want to up your Magic Defense as much as possible. You can equip the Valiant Lustre garment grid as well as the Oath Veil or other accessories to keep characters alive through the magic assault. Also you can use Mana or Soul Springs to drain its MP. However, you will want those for a later battle so you might want to conserve them. It doesn't have a lot of life so dispatch it quickly. As your reward you'll receive the Moon Bracer, Shining Bracer, Speed Bracer, Recovery Bracer, and Cat Nip accessories.
Level 60
Concherer | |
HP: 343,280 | MP: 3000 |
EXP: 6000 | AP: 1 |
GIL: 1200 | Pilfer GIL: 3000 |
STEAL: Ether(X2*) | DROP: Blessed Gem, Crystal Gloves* |
The Concherer uses attacks that zap your MP. It also uses powerful physical attacks and instant death attacks. It's a good idea to power break this boss right away. If you have the Mascot dressphere on Yuna use her Moogle Lifeja and Cureja to keep the party up and attacking. Just be persistent in healing and using your strongest attacks and you should defeat the Concherer.
Level 80
Chac | |
HP: 437,850 | MP: 820 |
EXP: 2200 | AP: 1 |
GIL: 750 | Pilfer GIL: 3300 |
STEAL: Ether(X2*) | DROP: Shining Gem, Pixie Dust* |
The Chac, like most basilisk monsters uses a petrify attack. However, this boss ignores all protection against stone including Ribbon. To avoid a long, tedious, and near impossible battle follow one of two tactics. If you happen to have 2,000,000 gil to spare you can bribe the monster to leave battle. If you don't want to spend the gil equip your best gunner (one who has learned Lv.3 Trigger Happy) with Cat Nip. Then you'll need to manipulate her HP so that she's in the yellow. You can do this by putting the Bloodlust and Wring accessories on her and then taking them off. When you get into battle it will take about 3 or 4 rounds dealing 9999 damage per hit with Trigger Happy to take out this boss.
Level Infinity
Guardian Beast | |
HP: 200,000 | MP: 9999 |
EXP: 9000 | AP: 1 |
GIL: 3000 | Pilfer GIL: 4000 |
STEAL: Supremem Gem(X2*) | DROP: Supremem Gem, Dark Matter* |
The Paragon is another straightforward battle. However, you'll want to have high HP and be at a high level (90 or higher is recommended). It doesn't use any extreme attacks or magic so just stay healthy and attacking and you should finish this battle easily. After this battle you'll get a scene and be taken into a battle with Trema.
Trema | |
HP: 999,999 | MP: 999 |
EXP: 10000 | AP: 50 |
GIL: 10000 | Pilfer GIL: 300 |
STEAL: Ether, Turbo Ether* | DROP: Dark Matter(X2*) |
Trema can be a rather nasty boss simply because of his high life. His weakness is his MP. He relies heavily on the same Ultima-Flare combination that the Black Elemental used. However, you can use 4 or 5 Mana or Soul Springs to drain his MP. Without it his magic casting will fail and he'll only have physical attacks. If you've been using the Higher Power garment grid and the Mascot dressphere you can use the following tactics to take Trema down quickly. Move Paine around the entire garment grid to gain break damage limit and then use her Cactling Gun to deal about 50,000 damage per turn. Keep Yuna healing and then have Rikku use her highest power attack. Your reward for completing the dungeon you'll win the Iron Duke, one of the best accessories in the game.
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