Cactuar Island
The Cactuar Island sidequest is available once you obtain the Ragnarok in Disc 3 and is never unavailable. It is important to note that Cactuar Island is an exellent place to earn AP as each cactuar you defeat is worth 20AP.
Cactuar Island is located near the southeast corner of Esthar's continent. It is a small desert island that a small green figure pops around randomly. That figure is the Jumbo Cactuar and if you defeat him he is added to your GF's.
The battle with the Jumbo Cactuar can be frustrating since he has the ability to kill one of your characters each turn. Be prepared for reviving characters and also be sure to have Leviathan available since the Jumbo Cactuar is weak against water. For more stats on the Jumbo Cactuar check the GF's section.
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