Magitek: The leading industry in guerrilla warfare. All nations are being brought to their knees and one man intends to control it all--- Gestaal just doesn't realize that it's not him.
Kefka, bad in every way (even in laughing) bids to rule the world by sacrificing anything that would bring him the ultimate power he craves. Few dare oppose him and the possibility of success is all but slim.
Live and fight (and endure the continuous pesterings of Ultros) in the sixth game to follow the series: Final Fantasy 6.
SNES - Japan: Jan. 1, 1994
SNES (FFIII) - US: Nov. 2, 1994
PS1 (FF Anthology) - US: Oct. 5, 1999
GBA - Japan: Nov. 30, 2006; US: Feb. 5, 2007; Europe: June 29, 2007